Funding the Dream
Raising money and launching a business are daunting tasks. Since 2011, Richard Bliss has hosted a wide array of guests who bring their expertise in all areas of business.
With a heavy focus on the board game industry, Richard and his guests have taught thousands of people how to fund their dreams.
Join Richard and his next guest as you look to build and grow your own business.
Funding the Dream
EP 319 Becoming a Best Seller on Amazon before you go to Kickstarter
Grandpa Beck's Games is one of the most successful game companies you have never heard of. They did over $1 million in revenue last year with their games regularly appearing as a best seller on Amazon.
And their Kickstarter project, Cover Your Kingdom does something completely opposite from where most game publishers go...They took a successful family game and reworked it for the hobby board game industry and released it on Kickstarter.
This is a fascinating conversation. Jeff Beck, my guest, is the second generation of Grandpa Beck's Games. His father, a current airline pilot, started the game company a decade ago as another means of income...Wait! What?
It is this story that makes this episode different in many ways. This is not your average board game publisher.
And wait until you hear what his one piece of advice is to publishers just starting out...It has to do with the Distribution model and you may be surprised by his answer.
Listen in and let us know what you think.
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